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11/24/2021 4:04 p.m. Evaluation 1,054
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11/24/2021 4:05 p.m. Training 1,991,647
Resumption of the session
I declare resumed the session of the European Parliament adjourned on Friday 17 December 1999, and I would like once again to wish you a happy new year in the hope that you enjoyed a pleasant festive period.
Although, as you will have seen, the dreaded 'millennium bug' failed to materialise, still the people in a number of countries suffered a series of natural disasters that truly were dreadful.
You have requested a debate on this subject in the course of the next few days, during this part-session.
In the meantime, I should like to observe a minute' s silence, as a number of Members have requested, on behalf of all the victims concerned, particularly those of the terrible storms, in the various countries of the European Union.
Please rise, then, for this minute' s silence.
(The House rose and observed a minute' s silence)
Madam President, on a point of order.
You will be aware from the press and television that there have been a number of bomb explosions and killings in Sri Lanka.
One of the people assassinated very recently in Sri Lanka was Mr Kumar Ponnambalam, who had visited the European Parliament just a few months ago.
Genoptagelse af sessionen
Jeg erklærer Europa-Parlamentets session, der blev afbrudt fredag den 17. december, for genoptaget. Endnu en gang vil jeg ønske Dem godt nytår, og jeg håber, De har haft en god ferie.
Som De kan se, indfandt det store "år 2000-problem" sig ikke. Til gengæld har borgerne i en del af medlemslandene været ramt af meget forfærdelige naturkatastrofer.
De har udtrykt ønske om en debat om dette emne i løbet af mødeperioden.
I mellemtiden ønsker jeg - som også en del kolleger har anmodet om - at vi iagttager et minuts stilhed til minde om ofrene for bl.a. stormene i de medlemslande, der blev ramt.
Jeg opfordrer Dem til stående at iagttage et minuts stilhed.
(Parlamentet iagttog stående et minuts stilhed
Fru formand, en bemærkning til forretningsordenen.
Gennem pressen og tv vil De være bekendt med en række bombeeksplosioner og drab i Sri Lanka.
En af de personer, der blev myrdet for ganske nylig i Sri Lanka, var hr. Kumar Ponnambalam, der besøgte Europa-Parlamentet for få måneder siden.
11/24/2021 4:05 p.m. Training 436,051
But if it is without approval, whence comes it that it is truthworthy?
"I understand that being a new girl in the business can be a very lonely place...
"At 106, the secret to long life is: Don't die".
Do you think anyone even knows where Kursk is?
The Port Vale Miscellany.
17 more than I needed or wanted.
"Roman Seawater Concrete Holds the Secret to Cutting Carbon Emissions".
"Canterbury off to work at once".
"Did 'Son of Sam' really act alone?".
The people of the Book know well that that is the truth from their Lord.
But if it is without approval, whence comes it that it is truthworthy?
"Jeg forstår, at det at være en nye pige i denne business kan være et meget ensomt sted...
At 106, the secret to long life is: Don't die.
Tror De i det hele taget, at nogen ved, hvor Kursk er?
The Port Vale Miscellany.
17 mere end jeg skulle bruge eller ville have.
Roman seawater concrete holds the secret to cutting carbon emissions.
"Canterbury off to work at once".
"Did 'Son of Sam' really act alone?".
Og de, som modtog Skriften ved visselig, at det er sandheden fra deres Herre, og Allah er ikke uvidende om, hvad de gør."